Thursday, November 30, 2006

December thoughts...

As the year sweeps on to its end, I am happy to be alive. The photo is one I shot out my living room window a few minutes ago – clear as a bell and chilly – one of my very favorite kind of days anywhere. Of course, I live in California, where, henceforth, state legislation will be decided by senior power-lifting and square-jaw mugging-for-the-camera competitions (and some people wonder why we elected Arnold gov... sheesh) – but I digress.

This is the time of year when I, and possibly you, contemplate the past year and assess our experience... some friends are no longer with us, lots of laughter, a scar or two – I can recall so many great images from fun times all over the country. I was a student, a teacher, played a lot of music both formally and informally and spent some exceptionally fine time with family and friends...
I hope your year has been as much fun as mine.
If not ... there's always next year!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What's Next?!

Thanksgiving is coming right up so I guess it will be Christmas which will seem like a couple days later - and ta-da ... 2007!

Before I forget – Thanks to all of you who have come out to our shows around the US and in Ireland, who have bought our CDs in stores, from Sage Arts, and on iTunes (search for Marley's Ghost from within the iTunes Store). We very much appreciate your support, as we hope to continue to sing, play and write until we fall over.

...So what IS next?
Well, we are holding meetings in a couple weeks with Producer/Wizard Van Dyke Parks to select material for our 9th CD (!) which we hope to start recording in January.
Moving schedules around is complicated but we will get it done and I, for one, Can't Wait!
When I know a bit more ... or just get chatty(!), I'll post again.

Florida ...

Florida gets a bad rap these days.
That may be because more folks don't know Mitch Lind and his Riverhawk Festival down in Brooksville, FL
What a great bunch of music, wonderful folks and an all-around good time.
The weather was easy and we heard a bunch of very different styles of excellent music as we played through the last couple days of our 2006 touring. One of the highlights for me was Claire Lynch with a killer band.
Hanging with Mitch is a treat I would recommend to everyone, any chance you get. Putting on a fest is pretty demanding and Mitch pulls it off with grace and style. It is good to know there are folks like him out there presenting every kind of music ... just because.
... good reason IMHO.